The Moth
The Moth
Should Have Known
My second Moth GrandSLAM, this time in Brooklyn at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. A tale about hard lessons learned the hard way.
Rule #1 of Asian immigrant code is “No Cheating.” Or is it?
Love Hurts
No one ever said dating would be easy. But no one ever said dating would involve disposing canine corpses either.
Now or Never
This was it: the Moth GrandSLAM. The big show! The Echoplex was packed with over 300 people, all eagerly awaiting life-changing tales of survival, heartbreak, and the triumph of the human spirit. So I shared a story about the time I jumped, ass-first, off a cliff because a random Croatian floaty boat captain told me to. Password is password.
The Fast Lane
Some people are born with the need for speed. And whilst driving cross-country with my friends, I came to the realization that I was born without that particular genetic trait. Maybe it's a recessive gene? Password is password.
The Cocoon
Public speaking terrifies people more than death. So naturally, I had to give it a shot. I started participating in The Moth, a storytelling series/podcast/radio show hosted all around the country. Their byline is "true stories told live," so I took to the stage with a few tales of my own.
Part of the challenge of overcoming the fear of public speaking was helping others to do the same. So, while at 72andSunny, I created The Cocoon.
We would meet once a month, choosing an upcoming Moth theme. We could then share our Moth stories in a safe and supportive environment and help each other with suggestions on writing and performance. After that, it was up to each person to tweak their stories, if they chose, and prepare for the actual Moth event.
I'm proud to say that a handful of Cocoon members have gone on to perform at The Moth. One has even won a StorySLAM event!
2 x Moth GrandSLAM Winner • 2 x Moth StorySLAM Winner